Harnessing the Power of Venus: How to use the Planet of Love’s Natural Cycles to Pick Numbers For Today’s Powerball Draw

CrowdLotto Inc.
SmartCaptain App
Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2017


Today’s Numbers: 8, 13, 30, 55, x, xx

Today’s Powerball: 17, x

Venus turns retrograde (moves backward) today, putting a spotlight on past desires and cherished goals that you may have abandoned or forgotten. If finances have stopped you from pursuing your goals, today marks the beginning of an auspicious 40-day period where restructuring current objectives is in order… Which makes it a perfect day to buy a Powerball ticket! By concentrating on what you want rather than what you don’t want you can begin to achieve what makes your heart sing.

Venus is in an auspicious position and can easily be seen low in the western sky after sunset. It is therefore the planet most directly affecting life on earth today.

With Venus making such a profound difference to life on earth for the next 40 days, you’ll have lady luck on your side if you pick numbers that match her synodic cycle. Venus’ synodic cycle lasts 584 days, which is reduced to 17 (5+8+4=17) and, as the most important celestial influence in the sky today, is today’s Powerball number.

If we break down the number 17 further we get 8 (1+7=8) and is therefore the first number to pick for this week’s draw. As Venus loves balance and equality she has a love for even numbers and so choosing 8 fulfills this function.

If we look at Venus’ astrological characteristics we can see that this planet loves harmony and balance and, astronomically speaking, she’s got an affinity for prime numbers. A prime number is a number that is only divisible by itself and 1. Venus will be in the 13th degree of Aries when it turns retrograde today meaning that the next pick for today’s numbers is 13 (a prime number).

Venus is a planet that seeks balance through the creative blending of opposites and, astronomically speaking, we have seen that she has an affinity for even numbers with her synodic cycle tracing a geometrically perfect flower shape in the heavens. With her synodic cycle beginning when she is 30 degrees away from the Sun, the next number in the list is the even number 30.

The unfolding process of Venus’ synodic cycle (patterned as a flower) is intrinsically linked with the natural pattern of growth that we see in all spiraling life forms (shells, flowers, DNA, antlers etc). This beautiful flower pattern traces the Golden Ratio, which is naturally embedded in the Venus-Earth relationship and comprises the Fibonacci series of numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,13, 21,34,55 and so on. The number 55 marks the ideal number to choose as, visually, it is balanced (two 5s), and when it is reduced to a single digit we get 1 (5+5=10. 10= 1+0=1). It is also one of the Fibonacci series of numbers.

As Venus’ retrograde cycle points to getting back in touch with what we love, the following number in the sequence is 6, which is the number of balance. Geometrically speaking, when a circle is divided by 6 it produces a 6 pointed star, a geometrically perfect (and visually appealing) shape that is ruled by Venus (Venus rules beauty). Venus in her current position is known as Venus Morning Star, making the number 6 an obvious choice for the last and final number in today’s Powerball sequence!

— Dina



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